Support Individual Children

By the end, you’ll have the skills to respond effectively to the needs of a diverse range of children, creating environments and opportunities in which they feel included. During this course you will learn about disruptive behaviour, concepts and key terms in the field of special needs, and it will help you support SEN students pastorally.

The latest mental health reports for children and adults indicate that:

The Equality Act came into force on 1st October 2010 states there are nine protected characteristics and that no person should be discriminated against because they have one or more of them:

Age; Disability; Gender Reassignment

Marriage and Civil Partnership; Pregnancy and maternity; Race

Religion or belief; Sex; Sexual orientation

During the course you will learn:

Course author:


EAL Students

What will you gain by taking part in the course?


Module 1 - Disruptive Behaviour

Section 1 - Why do pupils misbehave?

Section 2 - Recognising SEN causes for misbehaving

Section 3 - De-escalation techniques

Section 4 - Supporting from outside the classroom

Section 5 - Supporting a school wide approach

Summary of Module 1


Module 2 - Supporting SEN Students Pastorally

Section 1 - The Equality Act and reasonable adjustments

Section 2 - Dyslexia & Literacy Difficulties

Section 3 - ASD

Section 4 – ADHD

Section 5 - Supporting EAL students and Third Culture Kids

Summary of Module 2


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Recognising Disruptive Behaviour

  • 24/7 access to a modern platform
  • Expert Trainer
  • Access on mobile and tablets
  • Study when and where you like
  • Hours of on-demand videos
  • Certificate of completion

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