Support Individual Children

This course will guide you through the development of your strategy – including identyfing the gap in your school, meeting different needs and tailoring approaches, and you can prioritise high quality teaching in practise.

Special Educational Needs in Mainstream Schools, Guidance Report indicates that:

Pupils with SEND are more likely to be eligible for free school meals (28% compared to 13% of pupils without SEND), and may have lower levels of wellbeing.

Teachers should prioritise powerful strategies, like scaffolding and explicit instruction, to support their pupils with SEND.

The barriers that arise out of SEND need to be precisely identified, including any social and emotional difficulties that they face.

During the course you will learn:

Course author:


How can schools help children with special educational needs?

What will you gain by taking part in the course?


Module 1 - SEN and the Pupil Premium – Raising Achievement

Section 1 - Assesing the crossovers between Pupil Premium and SEN

Section 2 -Suitable interventions for additional and complex needs

Section 3 - Teaching and making effective use of TAs

Section 4 - Working with parents and carers

Section 5 - Cross-departmental working and support


  • Venn Diagram
  • Teaching and learning support
  • Teaching Approaches Chart
  • EEF Scaffolding Techniques Diagram
  • Recommendations on the use of Teaching Assistants
  • Flow Charts to Improve Linking Learning

Summary of Module 1

  • Test

Module 2 - Beyond attainment – wellbeing and social mobility

Section 1 - Emotional and mental health support

Section 2 - Behaviour and attendance

Section 3 - Working with families and communities

Section 4 - The school’s role in facilitating social mobility – how can this be achieved?


  • The Components of successful Social and Emotional Development Chart
  • Commonly Known Features for the Most Succsessfull Schools Graph
  • Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire
  • Percentage of Pupils Grades_English and Maths GCSEs
  • Level 3 amd 2 attainment by people aged 19
  • Blank MHW Audit Form
  • PP Audit For

Summary of Module 2

  • Test
  • Completion of the Course

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Special Educational Needs

  • 100% Online Learning
  • 24/7 access to a modern platform
  • Expert Trainer
  • Access on mobile and tablets
  • Study when and where you like
  • Hours of on-demand videos
  • Certificate of completion

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