HR Manager Online Certificate

info Last updated 08.2023
language British English
verified_user CPD Certification
live_tv Online course
This course includes:
smart_display 11 hours of on-demand videos
all_inclusive Full lifetime access
dvr Assignments
workspace_premium Certificate of completion
person Expert trainer: Yvonne Hardiman
£ 329.00
£ 299.00

CPD Certification

The course is fully certified by the CPD, ensuring that you receive a recognised and accredited qualification. This certification demonstrates our commitment to providing high-quality education, giving you the confidence that you are engaging in a valuable and reputable learning experience.

Unlock Your HR Leadership Potential

Holistic HR Mastery

Course is designed to provide you with a 360-degree understanding of modern HR management. From cultivating leadership skills that inspire and guide your team, to navigating complex data protection regulations and promoting an inclusive work culture, this course covers all aspects of HR that are essential in today's dynamic business landscape.

Expert-Led CPD Accreditation

Elevate your professional standing with the recognition of your commitment to growth. The course's CPD accreditation is a testament to the high-quality content and expert guidance you'll receive. Led by industry experts who have navigated the complexities of HR management, the course ensures you're equipped with up-to-date knowledge and practical skills.

Real-World Application

Through engaging real-world scenarios and case studies, you'll bridge the gap between knowledge and practice. This approach not only solidifies your understanding but also hones your ability to apply these skills immediately in your workplace. As you develop the confidence to handle real HR challenges, you'll emerge from the course ready to lead with impact.

By completing the course, participants will unlock a world of benefits and advantages that will shape them into exceptional HR leaders:

  • Essential Leadership Skills: participants will cultivate indispensable leadership qualities, enabling them to steer their HR teams with confidence and guide their organisations towards success in a rapidly evolving business landscape.
  • Data Protection Expertise: navigating data protection regulations and GDPR compliance is a breeze as participants delve into the intricacies of responsible data handling, ensuring their organisations stay aligned with legal requirements and maintain the trust of their employees and stakeholders.
  • Positive Work Culture: mastering the art of fostering a positive work culture empowers participants to create an environment where employees thrive, resulting in increased engagement, better productivity and higher retention rates.
  • Effective Conflict Management: the course equips participants with the skills to manage disciplinary and grievance procedures, allowing them to address conflicts professionally and maintain a harmonious work environment.
  • Inclusivity and Diversity: participants gain insights into promoting diversity and inclusivity, cultivating an environment where every individual's unique contributions are valued and fostering collaboration and innovation.
  • Accredited Expertise: the course's CPD accreditation not only validates participants' commitment to professional growth but also enhances their employability, making them stand out in a competitive job market as qualified HR leaders.
  • Employee Well-Being: armed with practical techniques, participants will enhance employee well-being and mental health, creating a workplace that supports their team's holistic welfare and productivity.
  • Effective Staff Management: participants learn to set clear targets, conduct performance reviews and manage employee development, empowering them to get the best out of their teams.
  • Modern Workplace Adaptation: the course prepares participants to tackle the challenges of the modern workplace, including flexible and remote working arrangements, ensuring they are well-prepared to manage these changes effectively.
  • Prestigious CPD Certification: upon completion, participants receive a prestigious CPD certification that adds credibility to their resume, showcasing their expertise and dedication to effective HR management.
  • Bridge Theory and Practice: the course's emphasis on real-world scenarios and case studies bridges the gap between theory and practice, ensuring participants can immediately apply their knowledge to real workplace challenges.
  • Organisational Impact: armed with skills to drive positive organisational change, participants become catalysts for growth and transformation within their organisations, positioning themselves as indispensable HR assets.
  • Change Management Proficiency: participants learn to navigate terminations, reorganisations and change management effectively, minimising disruption and maintaining employee morale.
  • Diversity Promotion: the course provides a deep understanding of promoting equality, equal pay and diversity, empowering participants to create inclusive workplaces that value every individual's contribution.

Course author:

Discover Why This Course Is Your Ideal Next Educational Milestone:

What will you gain by taking part in the course?

New, current trends

During the lectures of this course, participants will gain a profound understanding of modern HR leadership, data protection intricacies and fostering a positive workplace culture. They will be guided by industry experts through practical insights, real-world case studies that highlight the significance of effective HR management in driving organisational success. These experiences will underscore the importance of enrolling in this course to acquire invaluable skills and insights that elevate their HR careers to new heights.

New skills

Participants taking this course will acquire a range of new skills, including mastering HR leadership techniques, navigating data protection regulations with confidence and fostering a positive work culture that enhances employee engagement and productivity. They will develop the ability to manage disciplinary and grievance procedures effectively, promote diversity and inclusivity and adapt to the demands of the modern workplace. These newfound skills will empower them to excel as dynamic and proficient HR leaders in a rapidly evolving business landscape.


Participants taking this course will engage in practical application through real-world case studies and hands-on assignments. They will have the opportunity to apply their learning to diverse HR scenarios, honing their ability to handle data protection challenges, manage employee well-being and lead positive workplace transformations. This practice-oriented approach ensures that participants not only grasp theoretical concepts but also develop the skills needed to make an immediate and lasting impact in their organisations.


Experience round-the-clock availability to course materials on any device, allowing for convenient learning at your chosen time and location. Utilise downloadable resources such as notes, videos, slides and assessments to bolster your comprehension, driving better outcomes. Embrace the freedom to learn at your individual pace and leverage a comprehensive online learning experience accessible throughout the entire year.


arrow_forward_iosModule 1
- The Changing Role Of HR
arrow_forward_iosModule 2
- Leadership And Management Of Staff
arrow_forward_iosModule 3
- Data Protection And Employee Data
arrow_forward_iosModule 4
- Discipline And Grievance
arrow_forward_iosModule 5
- Equality And Diversity
arrow_forward_iosModule 6
- Termination Of Employment And Reorganisation
arrow_forward_iosModule 7
- Stress Management And Mental Wellbeing
arrow_forward_iosModule 8
- Creating A Mental Health Workforce Plan
arrow_forward_iosModule 9
- The Modern Workplace

Module 1: The Changing Role Of HR

  • How the HR role has changed.
  • The attributes of a modern HR leader.
  • Working as part of the leadership team.
  • Encouraging innovation and creativity.
  • Implementing organisation culture and values. Fostering ethical behaviour.
  • Fostering ethical behaviour.

Module 2: Leadership And Management Of Staff

  • Getting the best out of your staff.
  • Creating a vision and setting targets.
  • Carrying out performance management.
  • Managing learning and development.
  • Identifying and attracting talent.
  • Managing Rewards.

Module 3: Data Protection And Employee Data

  • Understanding the UK GDPR and BREXIT.
  • Understanding GDPR and data sharing.
  • Collecting and processing data.
  • Retaining data.
  • Managing subject access requests (SARs).
  • Understanding data security and technology.

Module 4: Discipline And Grievance

  • Managing conflict and mediation.
  • Following grievance procedures and investigation.
  • Understanding disciplinary procedures.
  • Handling appeals against discipline or grievance outcomes.
  • Managing capability procedures.
  • Addressing bullying and harassment.

Module 5: Equality And Diversity

  • Understanding the protected characteristics.
  • Ensuring equality in recruitment.
  • Looking at equal pay.
  • Ensuring equal access to opportunities and training.
  • Avoiding discrimination.
  • Promoting equality and diversity.

Module 6: Termination Of Employment And Reorganisation

  • Identifying essential and non-essential roles.
  • Reorganising and changing contracts.
  • Carrying out consultation.
  • Following redundancy procedures.
  • Understanding dismissal procedures.
  • Managing change.

Module 7: Stress Management And Mental Wellbeing

  • Understanding stress.
  • Preventing burnout.
  • Understanding Presenteeism.
  • Developing resilience.
  • Enabling work/life balance.
  • Developing a positive work environment.

Module 8: Creating A Mental Health Workforce Plan

Gain a deep understanding of persistent absence as a measure, identify reasons and causes of persistent absence, assess complex cases, and explore the relationship between persistent absence and special educational needs (SEN), mental health, and school refusal.

  • Gaining commitment.
  • Methods of communication.
  • Gathering information.
  • Risk assessments.
  • Creating objectives.
  • Developing content.

Module 9: The Modern Workplace

  • Learning lessons from the pandemic.
  • Managing flexible working.
  • Managing remote working.
  • Understanding hot desking.
  • Providing contract addendums for hybrid working.
  • Learning about the latest technology developments.
  • Hearing future trends predictions.

How do customers rate the course?

From leadership to inclusivity, the course covered it all. Highly recommend!

Paula J.

The course's online format made it accessible and convenient, fitting perfectly into my schedule.

Rina S.

Resolving workplace conflicts was my challenge, and this course was my solution. The in-depth coverage of discipline and grievance procedures gave me the tools to navigate those tough situations with confidence.

Emily B.

Order this course


HR Manager Online Certificate

  • CPD accreditation
  • Expert Trainer
  • Certificate of completion
  • 24/7 access to a modern platform
  • Access on mobile and tablets
  • Hours of on-demand videos
  • Downloadable resources
  • Multiple-choice Test
  • Suggested study: 12 weeks, 4 hrs per week

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